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If the employability is low for certain profile, which skill gaps render them inefficient?Are the students studying in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities disadvantaged?What are the learning levels of these graduates in their domain specific subjects?How do they perform in the English and Computer Knowledge sections, which find minimum space in the general graduate curriculum?Defining employability of simple graduates for different roles has been a tedious task, considering the fact that these are non professional graduates and have not been trained specifically on industry skills, and hence the industry expectations from them are quite different than those from professional engineers and management graduates. The National Employability Report: Graduates, Annual Report 2013 quantifies their employability and We, today, have amassed answers the above questions along with many others. substantial learning both We sincerely believe this report will be a useful tool in the hands of conceptual and empirical educationists, policy makers and corporations and make them reflect with regard to what makes upon and implement the right interventions to bridge the gaps. We, at someone employable in our end, will continuously strive towards providing a yearly report card a certain sector in a on non professional graduate education in India, and help students particular profile. across the nation by providing feedback on their skill gaps and connecting them to matching jobs. With commitment to fostering a healthy education employment eco system in India. Varun Aggarwal Co founder and CTO, Aspiring Minds1. National Employability Report Engineering graduates 2011 2. National Employability Report MBA graduates 2012 Aspiring Minds National Employability Report Graduates 2013EXECUTIVE SUMMARY47% graduates not employable in any sector of the knowledge economy The employability of graduates varies from 2. 59% in functional roles such as accounting, to 15. 88% in sales related roles and 21.

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Someone who is not self aware and not focused on improving themselves will have absolutely no control over their reactions which can lead to added stress and anxiety. Being in denial is never the answer. When you work on improving yourself, you automatically improve your relations with those around you. For example, if your short tempered nature has always been a cause of concern in your relationships, by consciously working on that aspect of your personality, you learn how to tame your anger and become calmer. This positive change reflects in your personal and professional relationships and enhances them. The key to combat conflicts and build meaningful relationships starts with looking inward and developing yourself first.

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"If someone has a need for 200 million male chicks, we're happy to provide them to anyone who wants them. But we can find no market, no need. "Other egg related industry tactics, while not as cruel, are just as shocking. In 2008, the USDA caught Tyson injecting antibiotics, directly into the eggs, according to the Associated Press, despite its "no antibiotics" advertising claim. Tyson spokesman Gary Mickelson said the vaccinations with the human antibiotic gentamicin are "standard practice," though the drug is far from harmless and comes with a rare black box FDA warning for renal, auditory and vestibular toxicity. Eggs with embryos are also sprayed with ammonia, phenolics and peroxides. They used to be fumigated with formaldehyde, but the Occupational Safety and Health Agency OSHA objected those nannies. Animal husbandry can be practiced in a way that an animal only has "one bad day," but thanks to factory farming, which packs animals together over their own waste, they endure a lot of additional suffering. For example, chickens are "debeaked" during their second week of life "to prevent cannibalism and feed wastage," says an online for chicken growers though the industry's abusive battery egg cages, not the animals, are responsible for the "cannibalism. " Debeaking, partial or total removal of a bird's beak with a hot knife or laser while it is fully conscious, causes "intense pain, shock and bleeding," said veterinarian Nedim C. Buyukmihci, emeritus professor of veterinary medicine at the University of California.

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